Stacking Stones
One normal Monday morning, I was leading a Bible class at Open House, as we talked about “generational sin” – where the consequences of wrongdoing in one generation can visit the next generation and the next. A young dad named Tony pounded his fist on the table and stated, “That does it! It has to stop here; I am becoming the very man to my boys that my father was to me!” Tony’s father had been in prison much of his childhood, yet his dad’s choices still powerfully influenced his son’s life. Tony found freedom in Christ at Open House; and this “breakthrough” in class remains a day to be remembered going forward.
In 1757, a 22-year old pastor wrote, “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.” A few partial stanzas may stir your memories:
“Come, Thou Fount of every blessing, tune my heart to sing Thy grace;
Streams of mercy, never ceasing, call for songs of loudest praise……”
“Here I raise my Ebenezer; hither by Thy help I’m come;
And I hope, by Thy good pleasure, safely to arrive at home……”
So just what is an “Ebenezer?” In I Samuel 7:12, Israel’s prophet Samuel erected a monument of stones to recall instances of GOD’s faithfulness not only in in the past, but reminding new generations of GOD’s love for today and in the future. Tony’s story is not just one of a young man who finds life, but is one of generational healing, freedom and forgiveness into another generation and beyond. Together with you, our faithful supporters, we can gladly stack another stone to this monument depicting GOD’s provision.
This Ebenezer at Open House has grown now for thirty years! Every week at Open House brings great challenges and changes. But thanks be to GOD, that He has shown Himself trustworthy and true in the past, by which encourages us for the future. Together with you, we raise a mound of stones of remembrance as we recall GOD’s moment-by-moment presence and routine miracles at Open House Ministries. We honor you as co-laborers in stacking stones with us in our work with our homeless families.
Contributed by Mark Roskam, Chaplain