A Family’s First 90 Days
Part I: The Perspective from the Sheltered
Have you ever wondered how a homeless family gets into Open House or what happens once accepted? We would like to walk you through the first days of a family’s experience in the shelter.
Generally families are referred to the shelter by partner agencies or local churches. The journey starts when an Open House case manager calls a family on the shelter waiting list. When they walk through the front door, they are greeted by their case manager to begin the intake process.
The family members share their personal information with the case manager and receive an intake packet explaining the shelter’s program, including an agreement to sign that they will be involved and follow the guidelines. This question is key: “What is it that got you into homelessness?”
Within the next few days new residents meet with their case manager to create a CMAP (Case Management Action Plan).
There is no set standard plan; each one is created to address individual needs. The action plan includes classes that will help them build life skills as well as Bible and finance classes. Daycare is scheduled, students are enrolled in school and bus schedules are arranged.
Contributed by JoAnne Harris