Chaplain’s Corner – June 21, 2017
For many years, our family lived in the mountains of Colorado, adjacent to the highest continuous highway in America – Trail Ridge Road. I continue to be amazed by the alpine tundra – nearly Arctic zones where the subsoils are permanently frozen and any plant growth is minimal. Near this zone are the hearty alpine pines – growing only minimally and yet withstanding vicious winds and voluminous snowfalls.
Though there are many reasons why people do not grow, one reason is not necessarily suffering. Even slow-growth tundra trees grow in spite of harsh external conditions. Often, the most vibrant believers have suffered the greatest. We marveled in Chapel at the vibrancy of a ministry team from Rwanda, led by Pastor Simone and sponsored by Liberty Bible Church. They shared of the Rwandan genocide, when ten thousand people a day were murdered for one hundred days. Yet they exuded pure joy in “the goodness of GOD in the land of the living” (Ps.27:13). They encouraged us to press on.
Perhaps the greater issue in growth is rootedness. Our Rwandan brothers and sisters find their life in drawing from springs of “living water” (John 4:10). David urges us to drink in the Word of GOD, just like trees planted by “streams of water” (Psalm 1:2-3). Recently, a core of Open House leaders completed a twelve-week Bible study called “Rooted.” It reflects our commitment to grow deeper as devoted followers of Jesus – regardless. We desire for GOD to take us deeper into life and relationships – within and beyond this amazing ministry at Open House.
Thank you, our faithful co-laborers! We are blessed to be serving, not in austere and severe tundra, but in a land of opportunity, fed by streams of Living Water. We honor you for being an integral part of this vibrant ministry!